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Zathura: A Space Adventure

Watch Zathura: A Space Adventure

Year: 2005

Country: USA

Tagline: A new adventure from the world of Jumanji  »

Plot: its about these two boys that found a game to play and they started to play the game. they started to realize that the game was coming to life. they also found out that they had to keep on playing in order to finish the game and so all of the thing could dissapper also they uloked people from the game also there trapped in space but in the house has gravity. they try t get out but the instructions says once you play you cant stop. they wanted to play but they really didn't understand the instructions they wanted too stop playing the game but they couldn't because it was one of the rules . they tried to finish but it was getting to late and hard even thought they really didn't know what time it really was . But they were getting sleepy and almost going to bed they had no food they yeld sos they fianally finished the game happily ever afterThe film follows two young boys, Walter and Danny, as they are drawn into an intergalactic adventure when their house is magically hurtled through space because of the board game they are playing.

Watch Zathura: A Space Adventure Here

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