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Cabin Fever: Patient Zero

Watch Cabin Fever: Patient Zero

Year: 2014

Country: USA

Plot: Initially, as the opening credits roll, you see what appears to be a military force armed with guns and flame throwers and dressed in Bio Hazard suites entering a building as a recording from what sounds like an emergency call to 911 plays. A female operator takes the call and speaks in Spanish and a Male voice can be herd on the other end answering in English. The male voice on the recording only says "They are sick, they are all sick. There is Blood there is blood everywhere..... there looking for me." The armed force finds multiple dead bodies and they look to be in a state of advance decay and are deformed. One man is found alive and is then taken by force back to a medical research facility on an Island off the coast of The Dominican Republic.You then see Dr.Edwards and Camila walking through a corridor towards a medical lab; Camila is an assistant to Dr.Edwards. As they walk together Camila mentions that "Incidents in the States were isolated, successfully contained. We don't know how it reached the D.R." The mention of the incidents in the states would indicate that this takes place some time after the events of the first two Cabin Fever films.It is then relieved that the man found alive at the building is named Porter and was part of an effort providing aid and building houses for the poor and that he is actually "Patient Zero." He, however, seems to be immune to the virus although he is a carrier. Porter and Dr. Edwards talk and Porter finds out that his son was one of the casualties. Dr. Edwards then tells him that he is immune to the virus and could be a great asset to his research to find a vaccine or cure to the virus. He does not voluntarily comply with the request but is told that he has no choice.Enter Marcus Driving through the Dominican Country Side. He meets up with and picks up his best friend Dobbs in a small village and drive on as they are "Running Late and Josh's whole Family will be there." Cut to the Rehearsal Dinner for Marcus and Katia's wedding. You first see Josh (Marcus's brother) and Penny having sex in a cabana and getting walked in on by a security guard. Then it cuts to the dinner were Katia is giving a toast just as she finishes Marcus and Dobbs arrive and Josh and Penny came walking back to the dinner from having sex. They all head into the Village and while Penny is browsing a stand that sells local made Jewelry a black women starts speaking to her in Spanish and hands her a bracelet or necklace Penny says "No Gracias" as she does not understand the women but Dobbs comes up behind Penny and tells Penny that it is a gift and that it's a charm to ward off evil. You also see a shot of Josh buying Marijuana from a dealer off the street.Marcus, Josh, Dobbs, Penny, and Katia then walk down the marina together and stop to admire a yacht. Josh and Dobbs then announce that they have rented the yacht to take them out to what they are told is a deserted island for the evening as a bachelor present so they can have one last her-ah before he gets married the next day. Marcus looks to Katia for approval and gets it but katia does warn Marcus not to sail to far north because of restricted waters. Marcus, Josh, Dobbs and Penny board the vessel and set sail for the island.Back at the Medical facility Porter is obviously being held against his will and is even dressed as a convict with an orange jump suit on. He speaks with Camila through glass on a jail like phone system. He expresses his displeasure at the situation and demands to speak to the American Consulate and is told that he is being quarantined partially because of CDC regulation requiring he be held and that he is not just a carrier but possibly a cure. Porter also asks about his wife and whether she has been informed of his location to which Camila responds only that she is aware of what happened to their son. Porter demands to be allowed to speak with his wife and exclaims "you can't just keep experimenting on me like this" and threatens to kill himself if his demands are not met. Camila is obviously sympathetic toward Porter and his situation and speaks with Dr. Edwards who is very cold toward the situation and refers to Porter as "The Specimen." This upsets Camila who responds "Don't you mean human?" Dr. Edwards then shows her a picture of one of the dead bodies found at the home were Porter was found, the body is hunched over and only it's back is visible but most of the flesh has rotted or has fallen away exposing it's skeleton. The ribs and spine of the body are visible surrounded by necrotic flesh. Dr. Edwards tells Camila not to personalize it and proclaims that "sometimes you have to harm one to save millions."Back in his cell Porter is seen taking a metal spring off of his cot. He bends the rounded end until it is crescent shaped then he uses it to cut his hand and then he is shown squeezing blood from his hand. He is called to the door of his cell to prepare to have samples taken from him. Dr. Edwards and another man, both in Bio-Hazard suits, wait outside. The first man has a hypodermic needle and Dr. Edwards behind him holds a rifle. The door to the cell is unlocked remotely and as soon as the first man starts to enter Porter rams the door pinning the man with the needle half his body in the cell and half out. Porter takes the needle from the mans hand and slashes his suite open at the neck with it. He then reaches into the mans suite with his bloodied hand and smears his blood on the mans face infecting him with the virus. Dr. Edwards enters the cell, gun raised, Porter goes to his knees and yells "you want my blood" then holding up his cut hand says "take it! If you want to shoot me? come on shoot!" As this is going on flashing lights and a klaxon horn can be seen and herd sounding while personnel run about the lab. Then the words "Warning Security Breach" repeat over the loudspeaker. Camila argues that the situation is contained but a Male voice speaks over the PA system saying he is sorry but he has to impose a 48 hour security lock down protocol. Men dressed in camouflage are seen closing massive metal doors sealing Camila, Porter, the man who Porter infected and Bridgett (another of Dr.Edwards assistance who wears a lab coat showing a lot of cleavage) in the lab together for 2 days. .The other staff at the facility retreat to the "evacuation bunker" and wait for re-entry ClarenceBack on the yacht Penny is seen Sunbathing on the front deck as the Men on the ship all admire her. Then they all head to the rear of the boat and Shotgun Beers. Marcus sips his beer out of the hole he made in the bottom while the others actually Shotgun their beers. Josh heckles Marcus saying that Marcus "is the one who taught them how to do this" to which he replies "yea when I was nineteen now I drink for flavor." Josh (now clutching a blow-up doll at the waist) gives a seemingly heart felt speech about his brothers impending marriage and then presents him with a gift. He thinks that at first it is a bottle of his favorite wine but after fully unwrapping it reveals a massive black colored dildo. Penny presents him with a small memento from their home town to remind him of were he came from. Josh pulls out the bag of Marijuana that he bought earlier in the town to Marcus's disapproval as he is concerned that the Coast Guard may stop them and find the drugs and threatens to throw it overboard. Dobbs interjects and reasons with Marcus pointing out that they have been going north for awhile now and have not seen another boat in at least two hours and asks Marcus to relax a little bit and let loose. Marcus agrees but after Dobbs makes a remark implying Marcus is scared of Katia is offended and retreats into the sleeping quarters of the boat. Penny follows and explains to Marcus that the guys are afraid to loose him. Penny removes her bikini top exposing her breasts and makes an advance but is rebuffed by Marcus they continue their conversation and it is reveled that Marcus was in love and had relations with Penney in the past but that she was now seeing his brother.They Arrive at the Island, which is not even on the map, and are initially skeptical when they see a large building on it but are assured by the captain of the Yacht that nobody is there and they will be alone on the island as promised. They all disembark the yacht and take a Skiff to shore and the Captain of the Yacht says he will be back to get them the next day. After coming ashore on the Island Josh and Penny immediately head out to go snorkeling while Marcus and Dobbs set up their camp and prepare the food. While snorkeling Josh and Penny are not able to find any fish in the water. Back on shore Marcus and Dobbs drink beer and then decide to smoke some Marijuana and get high. Still trying to find fish Josh and Penny keep swimming and suddenly come across a large amount of dead fish that look like they have been decaying in the water for a long time many with their bodies half missing exposing their innards and skeleton. Penny becomes scared and with Josh she returns to the campsite. She tells Marcus and Dobbs that it is a graveyard out their and she Josh interjects saying "she thinks she saw body parts" but he dismisses it as seeing leftover fish parts from a shark attack. Penny still distraught goes into their tent Josh joins in smoking Marijuana and drinking. Penny is seen drying herself off and as she does she notices a blistered rash starting to form on her arm and her noise begins to bleed.Back at the lab Dr. Edwards is continuing his work despite the incident and current lock down status. He has a Viruscide he wants to try and he now has a living infected person in the lab, the one that Porter Infected. He has the man confined in a small cell and plans to enter and inject him with the viruscide prototype but needs his assistant Bridgett to also help him. She informs him that all but one Bio-Hazard suite was taken to the bunker. Dr. Edwards decides that whoever gives the injection gets the suite and that is him. He sends Camila to try and talk Porter into cooperating with them. Dr. Edwards and Bridgett enter the cell and restrain the man on a table. Dr. Edwards places a tourniquet around his arm and as he tightens it breaks through his skin and embeds deep in the muscle causing a spray of a grayish liquid to erupt from his arm The man, now horribly disfigured and sick, screams in agony. He again screams as the doctor administers the injection.He begins to seize and flail about. Dr. Edwards yells for Bridgett to help him to hold the man down but she is reluctant as she has no protection from becoming infected except a surgical mask and lab coat. When she does move close to the patient to help restrain him he immediately projectile vomits a blackish red liquid all over her certainly infecting her. She runs from the room and strips off her Lab Coat and her outer clothing and gets into a shower but Bridgett knows she has been infected.At the campsite Marcus, Dobbs and Josh are now eating steak and lobster that they grilled and smoking Marijuana. Josh yells to Penny, still in the tent after her snorkeling incident and discovery of her rash and bloody nose, asking if she wants some steak which she does not. She summons him to the tent and he thinks it is for sex. He sees her symptoms which have gotten worse. Penny has blistering splotched over her entire body and a red rash. She then notices that Josh has a small rash on his leg similar to the one on her arm after they got back from snorkeling. He asked her if she had any "bud" she said yes before they went in the ocean and Josh chalks up the rashes to a bad reaction to the Marijuana strain. He goes to retrieve a First Aid Kit to treat her sores. He returns with Benadryl and Calamine lotion. Penny takes the pill and then Josh begins to rub the lotion on he body and they both quickly become aroused. He tells her to just lay back and they kiss briefly before he removes her bikini bottoms then starts kissing her foot and continues up her leg. When he gets to her thigh she pushes his head between her legs and he preforms Cunnilingus with her.Marcus and Dobbs walk out into the jungle a short ways from their camp and drink beers and smoke cigarettes while chatting. Marcus reveals to Dobbs the Penny is the girl the was only know as "Cucumber Girl" by his friends before as she apparently masturbated with a cucumber for Marcus. Dobbs is a taken back by this and asks if Josh knows to which Marcus says "No and he dosent need to know." During this conversation they hear Penny scream and comment on how frequently they have sex.Josh is still pleasuring Penny but it seems to stop being pleasurable and she seems to start to feel pain. She screams and then tells him to stop. He makes a comment that she is "so wet" and lifts his head up. His face is covered in blood and some solid material of an unknown nature. She then sits up and projectile vomits the same substance that the man at the facility vomited on Bridgett, on Josh.Marcus and Dobbs return and find Josh looking distraught and he says "I think Penny is sick" as night falls they try to raise someone on the radio to no avail. They consider taking the skiff but realize they would only make it a few miles out to sea and the radio would still be useless. Marcus and Dobbs go to search for help at the building they saw earlier Josh and Penny stay at camp. After Marcus and Dobbs leave Penny tries to convince Josh to take the boat and just leave but Josh refuses to leave his brother but Josh is getting sicker by the minute.Marcus and Dobbs make it to the facility and find everything locked down but are able to gain entry through a Window after Marcus is able to lift one of the security shutters up. They find a room filled with radio equipment and other electronics most of which seems to have been destroyed purposely. There is blood and a fire ax embedded in a piece of electronics. They try to get Josh on the Walkie Talkies they have but are out of range. Dobbs touches a panel on the wall and the shutter falls back over the window trapping them in the room. Having no choice they head deeper into the facility. meanwhile at camp Josh keeps trying the radio calling for help. Somebody comes through on the radio asking for their location and what type of medical emergency they have. He identifies himself as Dr. Edwards a Surgeon at a small medical facility on the same island as them. His transmission begins to break up but he says he will help them and have an EMT waiting for them if they can make it to him. Penny's skin is rotting away and she is in agony. Penny being to sick to move on her own Josh leaves her and heads out alone to find the doctor on the radio.Now deep inside the facility Marcus and Dobbs come into a room that looks like a common dining area and kitchen but has been ransacked. They hear a noise coming from a door on the far side of the room. Marcus, ax in hand, moves to and opens the door. At first nothing appears to be there Marcus looks back at Dobbs for a moment and when he turns around a grotesque rotting man with a gun comes out and begins shooting at them. They run through a door and shut it behind them but the sick man gives chase. They run through the facility trying to find a way out and come upon a room filled with rotten, infected corpses. Dobbs falls into the room but Marcus manages to evade contact with the infected. Suddenly one of the infected reanimates and starts after Dobbs and he is between him and Marcus. Dobbs runs to the opposite side of the room and after some hesitation latches the door from the outside so the infected cant get to him..Josh is coming upon the Facility as this is happening.Marcus, now separated from Dobbs, has to fight off the zombie like infected and kills it with a blow to the head with the Fire Ax. Dobbs has lost his flashlight and lights his Zippo to use as a torch. He creeps through a dark passageway until he sees a light up ahead he begins to run but is knocked on his ass when he runs stright in to the large infected man they found in the kitchen. Marcus continues on without Dobbs and comes into a room that seems to be a medical lab with pictures of the infected on X-Ray lamps but it too is ransacked and the words Pumps Activated spray painted on the wall. Marcus Surveys the room and comes across a gurney with what appears to be a dead body covered in gauze.Dobbs is pleading with the large man who is identified as the head of the Facility and the one who initiated the 48 hour lock down. He is a military officer and thus the Facility seems to be under military control. He is in the advanced stages of the infection but has his mental faculties and tells Dobbs that he cannot allow this infection to get off the island. He fires his gun, a large Hand Cannon revolver, and since his body is so decayed the recoil from the gunshot snaps his arm off between the wrist and elbow and projects it,gun still grasped in the hand, upward and the barrel of the gun imbeds in the infected mans brain killing him.Dobbs takes his gun and escapes through a door and runs right into Josh. Dobbs gets paranoid and tells Josh to stay away from him as he sees he is also infected. He raises the gun and just then Marcus shows up. They get into a squabble about whos fault things are and Marcus ends up sucker punching Dobbs and taking the gun. Dobbs pushes a button and accidentally opens the door to the lab were Porter is. Bridgett greets them at the entrance with a surgical mask on and says Dr. Edwards wants them to come with her immediately. Camila shows up and reveals that Bridgett is infected and her face is rotting off she forces her to take the mask off so they can see her skin.Camila takes them to Dr. Edwards who is unaware of what happened after the Lock Down was initiated and is told that nobody is alive outside of that lab. Porter speaks up and accuses Dr. Edwards of luring them there and points out that his Bio-Hazard suite is equipped with a high powered radio and he could have used it to talk to Josh on the beach. Porter claims that it is Dr. Edwards intention to kill everyone left alive on the island and steal their boat "So the award winning scholar gets off the island all by himself and no one knows that he is the one responsible." Dr. Edwards denies the allegations but Marcus has Josh take the Dr's rifle. Camila then asks if Josh got sick from the Facility and when he says all he did was go swimming she hypothesizes that Dr. Edwards may have deliberately dumped polluted water into the ocean to start a Pandemic so he could, with Porter's natural immunity to the virus, come up with a cure or vaccine and be a world wide hero. Camila then suggests that they all leave and destroy the facility which has a built in fail safe, a self destruct system.They leave in three groups. Dobbs, Dr. Edwards & Camila, Porter, Marcus & Josh,Bridgett. Josh and Bridgett head straight back to the Camp to check on Penny and prep the boat. On the way back to the camp Bridgett asks Josh were their boat is. He tells her and she promptly clubs him in the head with a large stick which whacks half his face off. She turns and runs off to try and steal the boat for herself. Back at the Facility Marcus's group head to the bunker room full of dead infected and Camila explains that the value in there needs to be turned before they start the Self Destruct System. Knowing that the chance is high of getting infected if any of them go in there Porter being immune to the infection volunteers and turns the valve. Dobbs and Dr. Edwards are behind Bridgett heading toward the camp and on the way the Dr. asks Dobbs if anyone has noticed his sores as he had gotten infected when he fell into the infected room earlier. Edwards asks Dobbs if he knows the progression of the virus and gruesomely explains what is going to happen to him. He then claims that he can treat him and possibly cure him but he needs to examine him to see how far the infection has progressed. He convinces Dobbs to lower the gun. Edwards looks at his sores says it dosent look that bad, sucker punches Dobbs, takes the gun, and before shooting him says "It looks like your condition is fatal." Marcus's group reach a control panel and input the code to arm the Self Destruct System.Camila then says they need to clear the blast radius before it goes off so they gotta hustle.Bridgett reaches the camp and Penny is still alive all be it in terrible shape. Penny ask Bridgett who she is and she, keeping her back to Penny and wearing the surgical mask to hide her face, claims to be a doctor sent to evacuate her to safety and that she has "already taken care of Josh." She turns around to look at Penny and when she sees her state similar to if not worse than her own, skin rotted, bloody sores covering her head to toe Bridgett says to Penny "you might need a referral." Penny attacks Bridgett Pulling a chunk of her hair off along with the attached scalp. Bridgette is livid and stands back up after being knocked down from the previous attack and pulls off the surgical mask to reveal her grotesque zombie like face. When Penny sees this she quips "your one ugly bitch!" Penny then has her stomach ripped open by Bridgett but manages to get up and a cat fight ensues. Bridgett pins Penney inside the tent but she puts to much pressure on her arms which snap in half and she falls to the floor. Penny grabs the giant black color dildo and smashes whats left of her face to pulp. Penny however is pretty much dead herself already.Marcus, Porter and Camila are running back toward the camp and Marcus trips over Dobbs body when he gets up he sees the shell casing from the rifle round. He then calls out to Josh.He finds Josh's body on the trail just ahead of Dobbs's. He then furiously starts to look for Dr. Edwards. Marcus discovers Penny and Bridgett in the tent and when he withdrawals from the tent he is sucker punched by Dr. Edwards. Edwards then asks Camila what the protocol is for an outbreak? She answers " to isolate the exposed quarantine the sick." Edwards then argues that Marcus, though he has not shown any symptoms, has been exposed thus he can never leave the island. He argues that he killed Dobbs to spare him from a horrible agonizing death. Camila pleads with Dr.Edwards but he fires the rifle but only grazes Marcus. Camila throws herself in front of Marcus and Porter comes from behind Edwards. Edwards still has the gun raised at Camila and Marcus. Camila pleads with Porter to do something. Porter raises the Hand Cannon and shoots Dr. Edwards in the neck killing him. The Self destruct explosion then goes off and the facility is destroyed.Camila radios the yacht that dropped the group off, the "Diablo." They are picked up and the captain asks about Marcus's friends but when he gets no answer leaves it at that only saying "Aye-aye-aye-aye-aye."Marcus and Camila sit in the interior of the yacht and Porter comes in with two bottles of water and offers them to the others "I thought you guys could use a drink." Porter goes "to get some fresh air" and Camila and Marcus pop the caps and each take a slug of their water. At that moment Marcus says "all this because of a little mouse." Camila gets a strange look on her face and says "what?" Marcus explains that when he was in the Facility separated from Dobbs he came across a lab with a bunch of pictures and it seemed that the other Scientists, before they all died, were able to trace the source or the outbreak in the evacuation bunker to a mouse. Camila then has an epiphany she says "Porter" then repeats the word "water" several times. She remembers Porter singing the nursery rime song Three Blind Mice while in his cell. Three gunshots in rapid succession are herd above Camila and Marcus they then look at their water bottles and see blood in them. In the ships galley a plate with a hypodermic needle filled with blood next to bottles of water. They climb up to the helm to find the captain dead and the GPS and Radio shot. Porter had infected Marcus and Camila with the water. Killed the Captain and destroyed the instruments on the yacht and fled on the skiff. Marcus asks Camila "why would he infect us?" she says "because we are the only ones left who know who he is." Camila is already showing sever signs of the virus and presumably they both died of the infection on the yacht.As the ending credits roll it is reveled by a backward playing of events left unseen before that Porter after he cut his hand with the spring, before he infected the guard, squeezed blood from his hand all over a small lab mouse after the incident when the lock down is implemented and they are being sealed in their lab Porter releases the mouse and it is able to make its way into the living quarters of the Evacuation bunker were the non quarantined staff were being keep until the 48 hour lock down was over. The mouse gets into the kitchen and is killed by someone in there on the table but everyone had already been infected. They were able to trace the spread of the virus back to the mouse on the table but there was nothing they could do. It is also reveled that Porter is the one who called Josh on the radio pretending to be Dr. Edwards to lure him to the lab. He had been plotting the end game the whole time.A group of friends enjoying a bachelor cruise in the Caribbean think they've found the perfect place to party, but their ultimate bachelor weekend devolves into their worst nightmare when a deadly, flesh-eating virus is waiting to infect them.

Watch Cabin Fever: Patient Zero Here

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