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Ride Along

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Year: 2014

Country: USA

Tagline: Propose to this cop's sister? Rookie mistake.

Ride Along

Plot: Ben must prove he is good enough to date cop James' sister. By doing this he goes on a "Ride Along" to show that he is not weak and he will do whatever it takes to get James' approval but along the way runs into a few obstacles that he has to overcome in a very funny way.Police Duo - Ride Along a 2014 American action comedy directed by Tim Story. In 2 years, guard Ben (Kevin Hart) tried to convince James (Ice Cube), a veteran police that he was worthy of Jamess sister Angela. Ben must prove he is good enough to date cop James sister. By doing this  he goes on a "Ride Along" to show that he is not weak and he will do whatever it takes to get James approval but along the way runs into a few obstacles that he has to overcome in a very funny way.  Security guard Ben must prove himself to his girlfriend's brother, top cop James. He rides along James on a 24-hour patrol of Atlanta.

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