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The Indian Runner

Watch The Indian Runner

Year: 1991

Country: USA, Japan

Plot: Reminiscent of Richman Poorman, this movie plays like a greek tradgedy with no happy endings. A tale of two brothers that fill stereotypical roles of one brother favored with a half full indulgent take on life balanced with a younger brother that radiates impending doom. Tough and often wrong decisions pepper this movie and lead the viewer to believe for a moment it might be possible for a happy ending. A final decision at the end of the movie leaves the viewer with more questions than answers. Opinion: Eric Roberts would have been perfect for the role of 'the indian runner'.A Vietnam vet comes home to his small town and finds himself in conflict with rules that his brother has vowed to uphold. And though he performs well at first, his inner turmoil eventually erupts, creating chaos in their once tranquil home.

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